1.Write a command to
display all lines which begins with “NOKIA” string from an
prd.lst file. [ prd.lst
2.Delete first, last
and all the blank lines from the specified file.
sed '/^$/d' das
5.Create a file
named customer.dat which contains customer name, address and city.
a) Display all the
lines who are started with A to M.
b) Display 5 lines
after the match of the word “Bombay”.
1.grep ^[a-m] das
2.grep -A 5 surat
das | tail -n 5
grep -A 5 surat das
6.Create columnar
file named “emp” contains Empno, Empnm, Dept, Salary and
Hiredate. Write
required command for
a) Cut the Empnm and
Salary column and transfer it to empsal file. Display the difference
“emp” and
“empsal” file and also display total number of words and
characters of “emp” and
“empsal” file.
b) Sort the data in
descending order of joining year and also transfer the sorted output
in “experience”
file and display
only unique lines of “experience” file.
a. cut -d "|"
-f2 das | tee das1 echo 'diff das das1' && wc -wc das
b.sort -k1 -r dass
-o dass1 |uniq -u dass1
7.Create columnar
file named “emp” contains Empno, Empnm, deptno,Desig, and Salary.
required command for
a. Cut the
deptno,Empnm and Salary column and transfer it to empsal file. Also
display first 4 and
7th onwards
employees from empsal file.
cut -d "|"
-f 2 das > dasss |sed -n '5,6 !p' dasss
8.Create columnar
file named “emp” contains Empno, Empnm, Desig, and Salary. Write
command for
following b) Cut the empno,empnm and transfer them into “empinfo.out”
file and count
frequency of “SHAH”
word of that file using single command.
O:cut -d "|"
-f1,3 > dasss1 | grep parth das
9.Display all such
files from your login which has size >= 50.
O:-find . -type f
-size -5c (c means <=50)
10.Create columnar
file named “restaurants” which contains restaurant name, pizza
variety, delivery area
and prize columns
- Cut the restaurant
name and price column and transfer it to file named “economy” and
display first
3 three lines of the
file “economy”.
O:- cut -d "|"
f1,4 das > res | head -3 dasss
11.Display all the
files with read and write permissions throughout your login and save
output in file and
also display on
O:- find -writable
-readable | tee das
12.Write a command
to substitute „/‟ with „:‟ throughout the file with all
occurrences of /etc/group
O:- sed
's/,,\/"/,,:"/' das
13.Using awk command
Count number of lines found in a file
o:- awk 'END {print
NR}' das
14.Using awk command
find Sum of fields ( Marks )
File Format
O:-awk -F "|"
'{print $3+$4}' das
15.Using awk command
Remove duplicate lines ( similar to uniq) from file.
O:-awk -F "|"
'{print}' dasss | sort |uniq
16.Using awk command
Delete all Blank lines
O:- awk -F "|"
'/./' dasss
17.Using awk command
Print Last Line of a file
O:- awk -F "|"
'END{print}' dasss
18.Using awk command
find and replace "Hindustan" or "Bharat" to
O:- awk -F "|"
'{print}' dasss | sed -e 's/mca/das/' -e 's/bca'
19.Using awk command
Print first line of a file
awk -F "|"
'NR==1{print}' dasss
sed -n '1p' dasss
20.Using awk command
search for IND, BHA and HIN
awk -F "|"
'/mca/||/bca/||/bov/ {print}' dasss
21.Using awk command
search for IND and BHA and HIN (in that order)
22.Using awk command
print only lines of less than 65 characters
O:-awk -F "|"
'length<65' dasss
23.Using awk command
print section of file between two regular expressions (inclusive)
O:-awk -F "|"
'(NR>=2 && NR<=8){print}' dasss
24.Using awk command
print lines between 5 and 8 the line
O:-awk -F "|"
'(NR>5 && NR<8){print}' dasss
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